Some things never change - LOVE  

Posted by Jainuine

Final placements are over. And so is my dream...
But, thats a completely different story.

Anyways, sometimes I think that life does not happen the way we think or want it to happen.

I was never an ambitious guy - one who has accpeted whatever came on the way and has been happy throughout (exception being getting into IIM's for which i was desperate), very cool with a simple lifestyle.

When a kid, I used to dream of a small flat, a maruti 800, a small family involved in our own lives, sharing with each other our laughs and sorrows - celebrating success and failures too :), having just enough money to support the family, no glam sham, no discs.....
All in all a plain vanilla, extremely simple and innocent lifestyle.

Today when i think of it, how I have changed, dreams have changed and so has the reality.
Everything has become more urbane and up-market so to say. I will have quite some money to dispose, a big circle of people around, disc life, expensive dinners, foreign trips....

I wonder how life takes a turn. Not that i am not enjoying it all :)

But some things will never change -

Laughing at my stupities
Orienting to people which i still do, listening to their problems and contributing my small bit in whatever capacity i can
Value that I attribute to relationships- the personal touch
Eliciting closeness to my heart and gut feel


This entry was posted on Tuesday, February 28, 2006 at 5:50 PM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


sahi bola ....ankit.....hum sab itna kaab soche itna aayegaa...chal jitna hai thik hai

9:51 PM

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